Join us for a special June evening and unique experience as our 2022 Annual General Meeting will take place this year at the top of Wenner-Gren Center with spectacular views out over Stockholm! Members in good standing are invited to join our Annual General Meeting at 17:30.  Guests are also welcome to join in after the AGM for dinner and mingle.

Annual General Meeting 2022

17:30 Annual meeting (members only)
18.30  Dinner and Mingle
21:00 Meeting close

FULL AGENDA for the AGM 17.30-21:00

  1. Opening of the Annual General Meeting;
  2. Election of Chairman and Secretary of the Meeting;
  3. Compliance with Meeting Requirements;
  4. Election of two adjusters;
  5. Approval of the agenda;
  6. Approval of voting list;
  7. Presentation of the Annual Report of the Board;
  8. Presentation of the Financial Report (balance sheet and income statement);
  9. Presentation of the Auditors’ Report;
  10. Approval of the Financial Report;
  11. Discharge of liability for Officers and Board Members;
  12. Presentation of the Nominating Committee’s Report;
  13. Election of Members of the Board;
  14. Election of Officers
  15. Election of up to two auditors;
  16. Election of the Nominating Committee;
  17. Fixing of annual dues;
  18. Other business;
  19. Closing of the meeting.

WHERE: Wenner-Gren Center, Festvåning, Sveavägen 166, 113 46 Stockholm
Members to enter at the main entrance at or before 17:30 and receive further instructions there.
Guests and members attending only the dinner can join us at 18.30 at the main entrance to receive further instructions.
Dietary restrictions should be indicated at least two weeks ahead of time. It will be a buffet with vegetarian/vegan options.

WHEN:  Saturday June  4th, 2022 from 17:30-21:00

COST:  300 kr (members) or 695kr (non-members) for a buffet style meal.  Wine and beer may be purchased seperately on site.  Want to become a member?  Join today!

REGISTRATION:  Via eventbrite by following the link here.