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56th Annual Golf Challenge and Alfa Romeo Giulia Launch, September 5th | American Club Of Sweden


FORE!!! You can now book your spot for the American Club Golf Challenge, Sweden’s second longest-running golf tournament. We are booked for a shotgun start with 40-60 golfers, and look forward to spectators/guests and sponsors participating as well! The tournament will be followed by a prize ceremony and meal together with car drivers and guests. Participation fees for members and guests are listed below and include greens fee, start kit, and many exclusive prizes. Please see instructions for registration and payment below.

At stake are four Cups and additional contests:

  • Club Champion with the best gross score (strokeplay);
  • Best Stableford result;
  • Best Net score (handicap) and
  • Best Ladies score (Stableford)
  • Longest Drive (in honor of our late long-time member, golf enthusiast and tournament organizer, Margaretha Isaacsson)
  • Nearest Hole

The competition is geared for everybody and we typically have a wide range of talent and experience.
Learn more about the tournament history here.


Whether you are playing golf or just want to come out for an exhilarating ride in an exceptional new car, you will not want to miss the launch of Alfa Romeo’s new Guilia. You will get your hands on a car with over 500 horsepower. Test drives from the course provide an introduction, while track time nearby is available for those who want a deeper driving experience.


Since its founding in 1905, the American Club has engaged in community service and supported charitable causes. Since 2010, the Club has prepared and shared an annual Thanksgiving Dinner with Stockholms Stadsmission’s Bostället. As a continuation of our support for Stadsmission, the Club and our sponsors are committing any proceeds from this event to Stockholms Stadsmission.

StockholmsStadsmission support logo



September 5th, 2016
10:00 Golf registration open and test drives available!
11:30 Tournament instructions
12:00 Tee time for the shotgun start
11:30-16:30 Test drive/track times all day for golfers, dinner guests or simply those that want to come try out the brand new Giulia.
17:30-18:30 Happy Hour at the 19th Hole
18:30-20:30 Dinner with prizes and celebration


Arlandastad Golf Club
Norslunda Gård 195 95 Rosersberg

Shuttles from/to nearby public transportation will likely be available, please contact golf@americanclub.se to express an interest in this option.


American Club Members and partner organizations:
Golf+Dinner 600SEK
Dinner only 300SEK
Test drives free!

Golf+Dinner 800SEK
Dinner only 400SEK
Test drives free!

Payment instructions provided upon registration, all payments required in advance.

INQUIRIES: Contact golf@americanclub.se

Register online and then pay via Bankgiro!


E-mail with the subject “ACS Golf 2016” to golf@americanclub.se and be sure to include, for all participants:
— Full name
— E-mail address and cell/mobile phone number
— American Club Member or guest
— Handicap and golf ID (or home club)
— Meal preferences

Places are limited — please register as soon as possible.


Tournament to be paid in advance as indicated on registration confirmation.
Test drives and track time are free of charge and should be pre-booked by registering.
Dinner must be paid in advance as indicated on registration confirmation.
Sponsors will be invoiced.


Cancellations must be made no later than one week prior to the event.  Reservations are binding and payment non-refundable thereafter; however, it is possible to substitute another person in your place if you are unable to participate.

Get involved, sign up or ask questions via golf@americanclub.se.