Members of The American Club of Sweden are invited to our Annual Meeting. There will be no charge to Members attending the Annual Meeting.
Members and their guests are invited to join us from 17:45 onwards. Anyone staying after the Annual Meeting, or alternatively, arriving for the concert and dinner, must pay as indicated when registering.
- Time: 17.15-18.00, doors open at 17.00, AGM; Meal and remarks 18.00-19.00; Concert 19.00-19.45.
- Place: Stockholms Stadsmission, Stortorget, Gamla Stan, Stockholm
- Cost: 250 kr (members) or 300 kr (non-members) for light meal, a glass of wine, light beer or water.
- Registration:
- Queries:
American Encores
20th Century American Art Song
with John Paval
American tenor John Paval brings to life the magnificent tapestry of early modern American mores through the poetry and art song of the early 20th Century. Songs by familiar names like the adventurous Charles Ives and the soulful Samuel Barber, and less familiar songs like the bombastic showstoppers of Ernest Charles, the sweet, delirious stylings of H.T. Burleigh, and the heartrending warbling of Elinor Remick Warren. Through these songs we relive their uniquely American experience of life and death, love and loss, and their sometimes mystical awareness of the wonder of the here and now—what might be called the modern attitude. These are works of a rare beauty and delightful inventiveness composed at a time when many people wondered if there really was any such thing as American high culture. Well, there so clearly was. And in this concert you will experience some of its vibrancy and passion in the birth of the era we ended up calling “the American century.
Meeting and agenda according to Bylaws
1, Opening of the Annual general meeting;
2. Election of Chairman and Secretary of the Meeting;
3. Compliance with Meeting Requirements;
4. Election of two adjusters;
5. Approval of the agenda;
6. Approval of voting list;
7. Presentation of the Annual Report of the Board;
8. Presentation of the Financial Report (balance sheet and income statement);
9. Presentation of the Auditors’ Report;
10. Approval of the Financial Report;
11. Discharge of liability for Officers and Board Members;
12. Presentation of the Nominating Committee’s Report;
13. Election of Members of the Board;
– Proposed by the Nominating Committee
- Jerry Bartlett, Sandra Carpenter, Elizabeth Dacey, Martin Dworén, Lars Eriksson, Germaine Thomas and Larry Zoumas
– Returning or ex officio Board Members not up for reelection
- Anders Bjers, Deborah Duerr, Gunnar Hesse, Brian Johnson, Julie Lindahl, Anna Rosvall Stuart and Lydia Smith-Pollard (ex officio)
14. Election of Officers (1 year term in office);
– Proposed by the Nominating Committee:
- Julie Lindahl (President), Anders Bjers (First Vice President), Martin Dworén (Second Vice President), Gunnar Hesse (Secretary) and Lars Eriksson (Treasurer)
15. Election of up to two auditors;
– Proposed by the Nominating Committee:
- Wilhelm Kull and William K. Farlow
16. Election of the Nominating Committee;
– Proposed by the Board of Directors:
17. Fixing of annual dues;
18. Other business
a) Nominations for Honorary Membership
– Nominated by the Board of Directors:
- Dag Blanck and Sam Cooley
b) Special Recognitions
19. Closing of the meeting