Festival O/Modernt at Ulriksdals Castle, June 17

Festival O/Modernt at Ulriksdals Castle, June 17

MIS/READING BEETHOVEN Please join us for a spectacular evening at this year’s Festival O/Modernt on Monday evening, June 17. We will meet under the tent at 6 pm. Hugo Ticciati, the artistic director, will join us and tell us a bit about the evening’s...
Third Thursday Networking Mixer, April 18

Third Thursday Networking Mixer, April 18

As a rule, Third Thursdays are informal — in the tried-and-true American fashion — business cards, handshakes and a smile. American Club members and non-members are welcome and everyone is encouraged to bring guests. Price: Free for members; 50kr for...

Third Thursday Networking Mixer, March 21

As a rule, Third Thursdays are informal — in the tried-and-true American fashion — business cards, handshakes and a smile. American Club members and non-members are welcome and everyone is encouraged to bring guests.  Price: Free for members; 50kr for...
Poem: When Giving Is All We Have

Poem: When Giving Is All We Have

  We give because someone gave to us.We give because nobody gave to us. We give because giving has changed us.We give because giving could have changed us. We have been better for it,We have been wounded by it— Giving has many faces: It is loud and...