increased relevance of first Speaker Series date with Söderälje's Anders Lago and the US Embassy's Robert Hilton
two Embassy invitations that are for Members Only
an addition to the Tasting Series
a pending website upgrade to ease management of contact information and event registrations for members and organizers alike
We hope you all enjoyed the recent Club News Bulletin and have now received your annual dues letter (please pay by March 15th). We look forward to hearing from you, seeing you at events and having you involved in the life of the Club in the coming months!
Speaker Series Starts Soon!
Speaker Series Starts Soon!
Tuesday, March 24th 8:15 – 9:30, Scandic Sergel Plaza, Stockholm

You've read of the recent attacks on Södertälje stores selling American products. Don't miss this unique opportunity to hear "the rest of the story" respecting cooperation between Södertälje Kommun and the U.S. Embassy in Sweden!
Register now for this breakfast meeting, featuring a full American-style breakfast buffet and two of the most prominent players in grass-roots Sweden-US relations today!
Read more and learn how to register here on the Club website!
US Embassy Frontier Night and Chili Cook-off
US Embassy Frontier Night and Chili Cook-off
Friday, April 3rd 6:00-10:30, Auditorium U.S. Embassy of Stockholm
Make plans to attend Frontier Night at the American Embassy in Stockholm. 20 SEK Entry Fee Includes: Complimentary cocktail on arrival and a chance at a door prize drawling later in the evening. We’ll play country music with line-dancing entertainment. Favorite costume for male and female will receive a prize. Bribe the local lawmen in town to toss some varmint in jail, 10 SEK/2 minutes, 20 SEK/5 minutes. Match the “Bribe” and you can avoid jail. Or maybe you should ask yourself “Do I feel lucky tonight. Well, do ya?” If you do, enter the 22nd Annual Chili Cook-Off. Chili on the Menu along with cornbread and rolls. 50 SEK will get you a bowl of prize-winning chili.
To register or if you have any further questions, contact David Landes via: events@americanclub.se
US Embassy Easter Egg Hunt
US Embassy Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 11th 1:00-3:00, U.S. Embassy of Stockholm
The US Embassy has graciously offered a limited number of spots at their Potluck Brunch and Easter Egg Hunt to members of the American Club and their families.
The afternoon will feature an Easter egg hunt, other games, as well as a photo opportunity with the Easter bunny. Food will consist of a potluck brunch of dishes provided by the families who attend.
The cost for American Club members is 25 SEK per child. To register for the event, send an email to: events@americanclub.se with "Easter Brunch" in the subject line. Be sure to include the full name of everyone planning on coming to the event. All registrations must be in by April 6th.
If you have any further questions, contact David Landes via: events@americanclub.se
Tasting Series Adds Whisky Event!
Tasting Series Adds Whisky Event!
Tuesday, April 21st 6:30 – 8:30
, Mackmyra offices, Stockholm
Swedish Whisky Tasting
Read more and learn how to register here on the Club website!
Website and Member Database Upgrade
As always, remember Third Thursday this month!
As always, remember Third Thursday this month!
Upcoming Club Events
Date | Event | Location |
March 19 | Third Thursday | Hilton Stockholm Slussen |
March 24 | Speaker Series: Anders Lago/Robert Hilton | Scandic Sergel Plaza, Stockholm |
March 25 | Tasting Series: A Night of California Wines | Grand Hotel, Stockholm |
April 3 | Member Only Invite | Contact events@americanclub.se |
April 11 | Easter Egg Hunt |
Club members interested in participating in the Easter Egg Hunt and Potluck Brunch, please contact David Landes at events@americanclub.se |
April 16 | Third Thursday | Hilton Stockholm Slussen |
April 21 | Tasting Series: Mackmyra Swedish Whisky | Mackmyra offices, Stockholm |
May 4 | Speaker Series: Jan Frydman | Scandic Sergel Plaza, Stockholm |
May 11 | Speaker Series: Karin Henriksson | Scandic Sergel Plaza, Stockholm |
May 21 | Third Thursday | Hilton Stockholm Slussen |
June 4 | Annual Meeting | Details To Be Announced, want to volunteer? |
June 6 | Swedish National Day Picnic | Details To Be Announced, want to volunteer? |
June 18 | Third Thursday | Hilton Stockholm Slussen |
July 4 | July 4th Picnic or Celebration | Details To Be Announced, want to volunteer? |
For the full list of events and updated information, as always, visit The American Club website: http://www.americanclub.se