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Democrats Abroad Election Watch 2008 | American Club Of Sweden

This night to remember will feature a buffet dinner and panel discussions about the
U.S. elections with leading politicians, journalists and other opinion-makers.

Performers include Cyndee Peters, Sarah Dawn Finer, Rennie Mirro, Adam Baptiste, Pigeon, Jessica Folcker and more.

Continuous updates of the U.S.  election results will be provided on wide screens throughout the night.

TIME: 21.00-06.00
An exciting program with entertainment and debate about the election will take place 21.00-23.00. Watch the election on the big screens and mingle with friends while DJs Camille Santana and D-Flex occasionally stir things up with more music.

DATE: Tuesday, November 4, 2008

HOST: Democrats Abroad Sweden

LOCATION: Scandic Hotel Anglais, Humlegårdsgatan 23, Stockholm

TICKETS: Available through TICNET (www.ticnet.se) by searching "election watch." Tickets sold in two categories: A. Entire event
(21.00-06.00) for 370:- incl. buffet dinner, drinks, panel discussions and entertainment; B. Election watch (22.30.-06.00) for SEK 150:-
incl. entertainment and drink. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. Please invite your friends and colleagues to join us for this momentous occasion.
Arranged by Zebra Sthlm Communication www.zebrasthlm.se TV4 will broadcast live from the event.
For more information about Democrats Abroad Sweden and the Election Watch 2008 event, please visit www.democratsabroad.se
 Scandic Hotel Anglais  www.scandichotels.se

 Talarforum  www.talarforum.se

 Showlighters  www.showlighters.se

 Morgankane  www.morgankane.com