Quick Links
Quick Links U.S. Embassy American Citizens Abroad Association of American Clubs
Who is eligible for membership?
Membership in The American Club of Sweden is open to those who:take special interest in Club objectivesare closely identified with U.S....
Host an Event
Host an Event Do you own a bar or restaurant? Work at a museum? Are you producing or involved in a play or movie? Willing to arrange a unique tour...
How do I make a reservation for an American Club event?
Reservations must be made no later than the date specified in the event description or invitation, and should be e-mailed to events@americanclub.se...
When do I have to pay for an event?
Payment information is nearly always included in the event announcement. Beginning in the spring of 2010, the Club began invoicing participants for...
Government Links
US and Swedish Government Links including:
Annual Meeting – 31 May 2007
Tekniska Museet, Museivägen 7, Stockholm, on Thursday, May 31, 2007 for the American Club’s Annual Meeting followed by a mingle, tour and dinner.