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CANCELED: Holiday Season Black Room, Bright Tie at Fryshuset, December 2nd | American Club Of Sweden

 Program / Registration:

  • Where: Fryshuset’s Klubben at Mårtendalsgatan 6, Stockholm
  • When: December 2nd, 2017, 18.30-24.00
  • Dress Code: Cocktail dress, dark suits and bright ties!
  • Ticket Price and Purchase: 800 kr pp (member + first guest), 950kr pp (guests). 
  • RSVP November 15th 2017, tickets must be paid by November 20th 2017, sorry no cancellations or refunds.

  • Queries: events@americanclub.se


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 Sponsorship opportunities:

  • 5,000 kr Visibility at our web site, social media, invitation and during the event (including the possibility of a table at our welcome reception)

  • 10,000 kr Visibility at our web site, social media, invitation and during the event including welcome reception table + 4 tickets

  • 15,000 kr Visibility at our web site, social media, invitation and during the event including welcome reception table + 10 tickets

  • We can tailor sponsor packages, including special sponsorships in kind which would include beverages, flowers, décor, etc.