Honorary Members


Gary Baker Past President
Dag Blanck Director, Swedish Institute for North America Studies
Gunnar Carlsson Past President
Samuel S. Cooley Past President
Peter R. Dahlen Past President
Charlotte DeWitt Past President
Kathy Falk Former Board and loyal supporter
Christer Fuglesang Swedish Astronaut
Gunnar Hesse Former Officer
Sven Holm Former Board and loyal supporter
Gloria Ray Karlmark Little Rock Nine and Swedish resident
Catharina Kronström Former Officer, U.S. Commercial Service
Julie Lindahl Past President
John MacPhail Past President
Princess Christina Mrs. Magnuson Club Special Guest
Donald Merz Past President
Svante P. A. Nyman Former Officer
Kent Schultz Former Officer
Olle Wästberg Former Swedish MP, Former Swedish Consul General in New York
Deborah Duerr Past President
Jerry Bartlett Past President
Bruce KarstadtFormer President and CEO of the American Swedish Institute in Minneapolis

Honorary Members – In Memoriam

Nina Lagergren Advocate for Raoul Wallenberg’s legacy
Jade Ekström Life Member and Member nearly 70 years
Ingmar Matsgård Former Officer
Gunnar Rasmussen President Emeritus


Bylaws extract

Article II
Membership eligibility, categories and dues

Section 3

Honorary Members are defined as persons whom may be expected to advance the purpose of the Club, or persons to whom the Club is especially indebted. The Club may elect as its Honorary President the U.S. Ambassador to Sweden, upon nomination and approval of the Board by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.  Nominations for other Honorary Members shall be made in writing to the Board. If such a proposal is recommended by the Board by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, it shall be submitted for a vote by Members at the Annual Meeting of the Club, whereupon a majority vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) shall be required for adoption. Honorary Members shall have the same privileges as other Members of the Club, and are exempt from Club dues.
Full bylaws…