Whatever else one would like to say about it, the race for the world’s most powerful position leading up to the U.S. presidential election this year has been unusual: unprecedented in American history, many would agree.
Yet, the factors that make it unprecedented are not new developments: the perception of a political system that is no longer serving the people, rather driven by a globalized political-economic elite; the shifting of demographics and the perception of the white middle class that it is being left behind; the paranoia of a post 9/11 America. The suggestion has even been made that the startling twist in U.S. politics today is the manifestation of America’s long-standing and ever-intensifying love affair with televised entertainment.
In Europe many shake their heads at events in the U.S., where some see echoes of history in a dangerous experiment with the idea of a savior and hatred-inciting politics. Yet, events in the U.S. are consistent with events outside of it. The world is seeing a tide of change, a turning away from the ‘oger’ of globalism, and a turning back to the haven of national identity.
Our panel examines the underlying factors in the drama playing itself out on the American political stage, and considers the implications not only for American politics but also for Sweden and Europe.
Our panel:
Dag Blanck, Professor of North American Studies, Uppsala University, Director, Swedish Institute for North American Studies, www.engelska.uu.se/sinas
Nicole Clifford, Fellow of the Stockholm Free World Forum and former GOP Congressional staffer
Steven Schier, Professor of Political Science, Carleton College, Minnesota, USA
Elizabeth Wallentin, US-Sweden Public Relations expert and founder of Crimson Clarke, www.crimsonclarke.se
Olle Wästberg, Former Swedish Consul in New York and former General Director for the Swedish Institute, www.wastberg.nu
Moderator: Julie Lindahl, President, The American Club of Sweden, www.julielindahl.com
When: 18.00 – 20.30 on October 3, 2016 (doors open 17.40), Forum discussion 18.00-19.30, mingle with light refreshments 19.30-20.30
Where: Hilton Slussen Hotel, Stockholm
Registration: Entrance to our Intercultural Forum is 100kr for members, 150kr for
guests and 50kr for students. Payment can be made when registering online:
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