WordPress database error: [Got error 28 from storage engine]

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WordPress database error: [Got error 28 from storage engine]

Lecture on Islamism by Fulbright Scholar Magnus Norell | American Club Of Sweden

WHEN: Thursday, April 29th, from 17.00 – 18.30
WHAT: Lecture on Islamism by Magnus Norell followed by mingle with refreshments
WHERE: U.S. Embassy, Dag Hammarskjölds Väg 31, Stockholm
HOW: Send an email to Darcie Brobert of the US Embassy, at BrobertDLA@state.gov, by day-end 25 April to sign up for this event.  You must register in advance to attend this event.
HOW MUCH: This event is free for members and their guests courtesy of the U.S. Embassy.

In his book, former Swedish intelligence analyst and Fulbright scholar Magnus Norell argues that although Hizballah’s strong position in Lebanese society keeps the bilateral conflict with Israel alive, the perception of strength and success in battle provides Hizballah with a much broader reach and regional influence.

Any questions you might have can be directed to either Darcie Brobert at the above email address, or to Julie Lindahl at info@julielindahl.com.