“Cameron Graves is a musical genius. He has an innovative approach to the piano that is completely unique. Cameron’s new album Planetary Prince is an amazing and almost unbelievable combination of modal jazz, romantic era European classical music, and mathematical death metal. A style so cool that it deserves its own genre. Cameron’s music has been inspiring me since I was thirteen years old and it still does today! I’m so glad he’s sharing it with the world!”
– Kamasi Washington

See more at https://www.camerongravesmusic.com/.
We have a limited number of seats (at table) reserved for Club members. We suggest arriving for a drink and dinner together at 18.30 before the concert, which starts at 20.00.
WHERE: Fasching, Kungsgatan 63, Stockholm 

WHEN: Wednesday April 11th at 18.30 (the concert starts at 20.00)

COST: 270 SEK per person to be paid upon registration to Club bankgiro 160-4040. Please state the your name and the names of any guests with payment. Food/drinks to be ordered
and paid individually at Fasching. 

REGISTRATIONPlease register ASAP… and no later than March 30th.

MORE INFO: please contact Martin Dworén at martin.dworen@fryshuset or mobile 0768-987 004.